A lil about the Social Mobile Media Marketing Diva

Friday, August 12, 2011

OMG, have you heard of Storify??

I recently came across this great tool called, "Storify". I know you are wondering why is the SocialMMMDiva so excited, right? Well, have you ever needed to document a story in a hurry? Worse yet have you ever gotten writer's block while in the middle of writing a quick release article? Then Storify is for you!

Storify, is this really cool web based tool that lets you tell stories using social media; such as Tweets, photos and videos. You can search different social networks, blogs etc. basically anything on the World Wide Web, to create your story! You can add text and if you use google websites just upload your own content. Drop it into their URL API and voila you can add that to your story too!

So take a look at how I used Storify to do a quick and dirty case study on a recent event I promoted.

Don't forget to leave the SocialMMMDiva a note with your thoughts, about Storify.

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