So by now unless you have been trapped on Mars, you’ve heard
about Pinterest and you’ve seen the 20 million tweets, 7 million blog posts, 2
million YouTube videos and 1 million webinars! To tell you what? The exact same thing you would have learned
if you had read the start-up directions or gone to the help section on Pinterest!
I know, I know it’s every good blogger, social media guru
and experts job to jump on the latest Social Media Tool bandwagon but come on
folks! Some of these how-to’s are lengthy, boring and plain ole stupid! So to cut to the chase at the end of this
post I will share some links to some of the best Pinterest blog post, tutorials
and Pinboards around to get your creative juices flowing.
Now let’s keep in mind not every social media tool out there
should be used in every company’s social media engagement strategy however with
a little creativity and imagination most companies can use Pinterest, especially
if they are subscriber’s to the story branding concept.
What is story branding you ask? Well for the purpose of
Pinterest campaigns and strategies; it's creating a well-defined visual story
that connects your audience with the underlying message that you are trying to convey.
One of the best boards around employing this “Story Branding” concept is the
Texas A & M Aggies Tradition
board! The Aggies have taken pictures of
their traditions “in action” and used the comment section to explain them
to the viewers. After looking at the pictures and reading the comments one
truly understands what the “Aggie Traditions” are and how important they are to
the students and alumni. Another great use of visual story branding is Fashion
blogger Christine Martinez her boards were so
engaging that Calypso St.
Barth sent her on an all-expense paid
trip to St. Barth to “Pin” live from
their summer catalog fashion shoot!
So there you have it a few good examples of visual story
telling that connected the authors with their audiences and left them wanting
Stay tuned for my
upcoming e-booklet on Pinterest Engagement Strategies and Contests ….but until
then you can watch out for the occasional cinch with Pinterest and other social
media tips! As a matter of fact listen to the one below to find out how to track
your ROE/ROI(Return of Engagement/Return of Investment)
For more tips on Pinterest and the best Pinterest analytic tools listen to the cinch post below